Holy Hen House

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Jesus is my perfect valentine

Have you ever had a kind of crummy Valentine's Day? Did your husband forget it all together? Did he skip the card, chocolate or flowers? Did the very well needed, romantic dinner get thrown out the window when a child got sick? Maybe you have agreed to not celebrate Valentine's, but you still feel a little let down when you see the pink and red hearts adorning the stores. Perhaps your birthday is the week before (like mine ;) ), so Valentine's Day is pretty much overlooked in lieu of birthday celebrations. Whatever the case may be, it's likely that you understand, even if just a little bit, about the disappointment I am referring to here. Our world is full of imperfect Valentines. Imperfect Valentine's Days. Imperfect husbands. Imperfect wives. Full of just plain imperfect.

It can be difficult to not be let down by your imperfect partner. It doesn't have to be Valentine's Day for us to understand this. Relationships are often full of let downs. Your husband might be gone a lot. You might have an issue controlling your temper. You feel your husband could be more romantic. Your husband wishes you'd stop nagging. I could probably go on and on, but I won't. You know what the issues are. Your husband isn't perfect and neither are you.

Fortunately, we know someone who is!

Jesus is our perfect!

jesus is my valentine

Jesus is our perfect Valentine. Not only that, he is our perfect friend, rock, refuge, and Savior! In Him, we don't have any disappointments! He never forgets about our needs. He never leaves us in the dark. He never talks badly about us (even though He would have plenty to say). He always listens. He is always there.

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Not only is Jesus the most perfect spouse, but bonus, he also finds us to be perfect as well! How amazing it is to be in a relationship where our loved one never lets us down and always knows our needs. How awesome to have your slate wiped clean of all your wrongdoings (not that we would need to nag Jesus, right)?

This Valentine's Day, whether you celebrate it with your spouse, or your children, or not even at all, use Valentine's Day as a reminder. A reminder of Christ's love for you. A reminder of his completely perfect life that made you completely perfect as well. Use his perfection as an example for your relationships. Jesus is our ultimate and perfect Valentine. He is our perfect love story.

Dear Jesus, This Valentine's Day and also this Ash Wednesday, remind us of Your love. Help us to set aside our worldly problems, relationships, concerns and focus on You and Your redeeming, everlasting and perfect love. Help us to use your perfection as an example for our relationships. Keep us focused this Lenten season on Your death and resurrection. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
