Holy Hen House

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My Father, Their Father // A Mother's Prayer

O Father, My Father,
How wonderful and good
are all of your ways.
Your mercy and power
fill all of my days.

These children you gave me
I will never understand
How I, a broken parent,
was part of your plan.

With the utmost of care
you knit them.
So full of wonder
you made them.
Their days were each written
before time began
Created with intention
and the touch of your hand.

You search them and know them
and call them your own;
A grand piece of creation
yet this not their home.

I watch them grow
so tall, so tough
And ask myself
if I’m doing enough.
Am I giving them all
they need and more
And wonder just who
I was before.

But you promise to make
all of the ends meet
So here I place
all I lack at your feet.

I ask for their health
their safety and care
That nothing would harm them
nor one single hair.
I want them to propser
to always succeed
Yet I know in my heart
this not their greatest need.

For these children I call
my own on this earth
Need something much deeper
with everlasting worth.

I plead that they never
lose heart or grow weary.
For as much as I pray
I know some days will be dreary.
Yet all of these trials
which no doubt they will face,
Far fail in comparison
to the light of your grace.

May they always look to you
fixing their eyes on the unseen
Finding ways to bring you glory
in this temporary in between.

My Father, their Father,
For this is my prayer,
the hope of my heart
For you loved them best
From the very start.

— some themes based on verses found in Psalm 139 and 2 Corinthians 4

Do you regularly pray for the children in your life?
Whether you are a parent, an aunt, a friend or a mentor, you play a very important role in the lives of the young people you know. Try making it a regular habit by taking time to do so during normal, everyday parts of your routine, such as brushing your teeth, driving to work, working out or making dinner. Prayer is powerful and the younger generations need it <3